Be sincere in your heart posture, when I came to Christ as hard as it was to was easy in the since of the people that I began to surround myself with their heart posture towards me was conducive to help cultivate the change that God had already began in me. Being a person that operates in loyalty...if the people around me had not shown me love and kindness I could have never reciprocated with love and kindness along with the desire to want to change...nor could I have opened my heart to a place of trust and loyalty...
I remember not to long after saying yes to Christ I contemplated marring a friend of mine....because we were friend, we were comfortable with each other and yes I trusted him...but as the dynamics of our relationship began to change...I quickly realzed that even though he was a great man...because of the way he approached certain things I could NOT trust him with my fragile heart. The flip side of that is when I came to Christ I realized that He showed me all the love and trust even when I didn't do right...He still loves me...all of these things from my relationship with Christ, my ministry, the people I surround myself with...The one thing I know is they love me beyond a shadow of a doubt, because their track records has proven it time and time again which then that allowed my heart to be open and conducive for true love from my Father. I began to open up and and let my guard down and began to allow Gods love to build me up and in that I was able to extend by heart as well as actually made me want to be better because 1st I didn't want to let God down nor did I want to let the people down that have love and supported me. I DIDN'T SAY THAT I DID IT FOR THEM! I said I didn't want to let them down...including God.. And people that's real love...when you are able to understand the fact that its deeper than just you, your want or desires...because we are called to serve and give of ourselves...selflessly for the benefit of every soul on this planet!
Side note: These things have also taught me...that no man is perfect...there is one person that will never leave you or forsake you his name is Jesus Christ try HIM!